Posts in Blogs
How to go Dairy Free (including product suggestions)!

With approximately 65 - 70% of the worldwide adult population having a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy, it is not uncommon that we ask our clients to go without dairy for a period of time. If relevant, this helps us as practitioners to determine if someone is reacting to lactose, and/or may be lactose intolerant.

When lactose is not digested properly, it can be fermented by gut microbiota leading to symptoms that include:

- Abdominal pain

- Bloating

- Excess flatulence

- Diarrhoea

- Constipation

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The December Line-Up

If you’re feeling like a new do, I highly recommend heading to this salon.

I have been making these Paleo oats (the irony!) all month long. Pumpkin subs well for grated zucchini or carrot too.

Looking for Christmas gifting ideas? You’re welcome.

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All, BlogsJaclyn CaveComment
My Top 4 Protein Bar Options (and which ones to avoid)! Updated June 2022

In an ideal world, we would all be making and consuming our own food, snacks, and beverages. However, the world is far from ideal and sometimes we have to outsource what we consume in order to prioritise another aspect of our lives!

A homemade protein bar can be a fabulous option, especially if you enjoy making them and use high quality ingredients. However, it is great to know which convenient, on-the-go options are worth reaching for in times of need, and which ones are best to avoid.

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All, BlogsJaclyn CaveComment
The October Line-Up

My goodness these months are flying by, I feel like I am writing a monthly line-up every second week! (which is impossible, I realise). This is what I’ve been doing and reading and enjoying thus far this month.

This book. I have been ranting about it a bit over on my instagram, but it’s truly game changing. For myself, those around me, and my clients.

Pate from Rough & Bare. Absolutely delicious, wildly nutrient-dense (organ meats are where it’s at), and fantastic if you’re prone to low iron. Broth Bar & Larder also do fantastic pate.

Looking forward to hosting this event with Brooke Schiller! There are only a couple of tickets left if you’d like to attend.

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Poor Energy? Constant Fatigue? My Top 4 Tips For Healthy Energy Levels

Do you experience fatigue, poor energy levels, sleepiness, afternoon slumps, brain fog, poor memory, or an inability to concentrate? No matter the name, these symptoms are not on!
I see a lot of these kinds of problems in clinic. Yes they are common, no they are not normal! Here are my top tips you can incorporate into your daily life to combat poor energy.

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Omega-3 Supplementation Optimises Pregnancy Outcomes

During pre-natal care, it is essential to focus on increasing our intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Why? Because they are not made within the body, therefore we either need to eat an increased amount of omega-3 containing foods, or choose to supplement. In certain circumstances, I recommend both to my clients.

During pregnancy tissue stores tend to decline as they are used for the developing foetus so it is important we improve our levels well before trying to conceive.

What are omega 3 fatty acids? 

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What Does A Naturopath Do?

I get asked this question more often than I get asked if I eat gluten (I do, fermented please), so I thought it was time to tackle it thoroughly and coherently!

What does a Naturopath do?

  1. Looks at you holistically

  2. Explains why what is happening to you is happening

  3. Problem solves to find a solution that works for you

  4. Treats the cause, as well as the symptoms

  5. Educates & empowers you to make sustainable change

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What I Really Think About Eating a Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet is based off eating in a similar style to the way we believe our paleolithic ancestors ate around 2.5 million years ago.

The premise is that due to the agricultural, industrial, and then food revolution, humans ceased their nomadic ways, stopped travelling and foraging for food, and decided to stay put and farm their own crops.

 This drastic change in the way humans began to eat and live occurred in the last 10,000 years, which is a very small period of time compared to how long humans have been on this planet – eating in a very different way.

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Inflammation - Everything You Need To Know

What Is Inflammation?

The inflammatory response is a normal, natural, and necessary reaction of our body in response to injury or insult. The typical symptoms of inflammation are heat, swelling, pain and redness. This reaction encourages increased blood flow to the region in order for our white blood cells to infiltrate and start cleaning up the mess. Once the injury has been dealt with, the inflammatory symptoms subside, and the body returns to normal immune system functioning. However – when the inflammatory symptoms do not subside – chronic inflammation ensues.

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The Therapeutic Benefits of Mint

I am a colossal Mentha x piperita fan.

It is fantastic herb for digestive complaints such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), bloating & indigestion. Peppermint tea is a beautiful addition if you suffer from nausea (hello my first trimester Mamas!). Add some fresh ginger slices & you are set! Studies have shown that peppermint tea and peppermint oil is a very effective treatment for IBS. Please note that it does not ‘cure’ IBS, but can help to manage the symptoms. If you are looking for the underlying cause of your IBS symptoms, I recommend working with a health care practitioner.

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Stress; The Good, The Bad, The Solutions

What is stress?

Stress is a physiological reaction by the body in response to a real or perceived threat.

Being in a state of stress is also known as being in the sympathetic nervous system state, commonly known as ‘fight or flight’. Our body pumps out cortisol & adrenaline, heart rate increases, blood is diverted to our limbs, our pupils dilate, & we prepare for battle.

The other, much preferred option is known as the parasympathetic nervous system state, ‘rest, digest, & reproduce’. Our muscles relax, blood heads toward our abdomen to digest our food, breath slows down, and our heart rate decreases. In this state we digest our food, create important hormones & neurotransmitters, & feel calm…

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Are We Overthinking Food?

I like to include lots of micro & macronutrients in my meals, but I certainly don’t count them. For example, there are no carbohydrates in the meal above, & that is 100% ok. These days it is very easy to get caught up in making every meal perfectly ‘balanced’ & loaded with protein/veggies/superfoods/etc etc, when really, simple is best.

Concerning yourself over having perfectly nutritious and Instagram-worthy meals 3 times a day is energy better spent elsewhere, as far as I’m concerned!

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