Poor Energy? Constant Fatigue? My Top 4 Tips For Healthy Energy Levels

Do you experience fatigue, poor energy levels, sleepiness, afternoon slumps, brain fog, poor memory, or an inability to concentrate? No matter the name, these symptoms are not on!

I see a lot of these kinds of problems in clinic. Yes they are common, no they are not normal! Here are my top tips you can incorporate into your daily life to combat poor energy.

How to Support Your Energy Levels

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1. Sleep more.

The most obvious, and perhaps the most powerful. Good sleep is the foundation of good health. Without adequate sleep, no number of green smoothies, supplements, HIIT classes, or coffee is going to support your energy levels!

I recommend anywhere from 7 - 10 hours every single night. This number will depend on the individual, their age, current health status, and health goals.

Why We Sleep is a fantastic book I recommend reading as it addresses all of the science behind why we sleep.

2. Check out your iron levels.

Iron-deficiency anaemia is one of the most common dietary deficiencies in the world. Low iron means your red bloods cells can't transport oxygen around the body, which leads to symptoms including fatigue. If you are vegan, vegetarian, a menstruating woman, pregnant, breast-feeding, or have digestive complaints that may hinder the adequate absorption of iron - you may be at risk.

Iron is relatively complex in the way it is absorbed and metabolised, and your iron levels will depend on the type of iron you consume (haem vs non-haem - animal vs vegetarian), your needs at different times in your life, and how robust your digestive function is. If low iron is relevant to you, read this blog on how to improve your iron levels.

Note - I only prescribe high-quality iron bisglycinate supplements for the very reasons in this chart - it does not cause adverse gut symptoms including constipation, does not bind with iron inhibitors, or compete for absorption with other metals. Please note that Ferro-grad C (the brand most GP's prescribe) = iron sulfate = constipation city, which is why I do not recommend it for my clients.

3. Dehydration.

Even just mild levels of dehydration can lead to increased fatigue, reduced endurance, reduced motivation, and increased perceived effort. Aka life is a lot more difficult when we are dehydrated! 6 - 8 glasses or 2L daily is the aim.

Read this study if you're interested in the mechanism of how hydration affects our health.


4. Consider supplementation.

Even with a fantastic diet, there are many reasons we may not be getting enough of the nutrients we need for optimal energy. The quality of our soils, higher nutritional needs at different times in our lives, medication use, high stress environment, exposure to toxins, comprised digestive function, poor absorption, and nutrient bioavailability are just some of those reasons.

Nutrients needed for healthy energy production include:
- B vitamins
- Iron
- Magnesium
- N-Acetyl Carnitine
- CoQ10
- Zinc


  1. Please don't forget that your diet needs to include adequate intake of all three macronutrients. High quality fats, carbohydrates, and protein are essential for healthy energy levels.

  2. Stress also pays a key role in energy production and metabolism. Read my blog on stress here.

  3. Thryoid function is another important piece to the energy puzzle. Although outside the scope of this article, if you have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism or the auto-immune condition Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis) will likely be contributing to poor energy levels.

Do you feel like you need energy support? Feel free to book a session here.

Thank you for reading!

Jaclyn Cave Naturopath
