Posts in Blogs
What Causes PMS and Solutions to Your Symptoms

If you talk to your friends who experience monthly bleeds, you will likely find that many of them to report physical and emotional changes leading up to their period. Around 50% of women of reproductive age experience PMS; with 5% having a severe form of PMS called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is classified as reoccurring luteal phase symptoms (between ovulation and your period) that tend to subside within hours of a period arriving.

Some mild PMS symptoms are normal as your hormones fluctuate throughout the month, as they’re supposed to. These are normal, natural, cyclical, fluctuations that you will likely feel the effects of. However, debilitating PMS is not normal. Common yes, but normal, no!

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All, BlogsJaclyn CaveComment
The Necessary Nutrients for Healthy Skin

Creating beautiful and healthy skin is both an inside and an outside job. You can use all of the most fabulous topical products on your skin, but if you have digestive issues or nutrient deficiencies that are not being addressed, skin will not be able to look it’s best. And the reverse is also true – terrible products can work against even the most nourishing of diets to support your skin.
The most common skin complaints I see women reaching out for help with include breakouts and oily skin, hormonal acne, dryness, rosacea, eczema, and perioral dermatitis. Specific skin conditions will all require different treatment options, however it is important to know what the skin thrives off and what may cause harm in order to provide your skin with the vitamins and nutrients it needs to flourish!

Let’s look at the different nutrients the skin requires to function optimally.

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All, BlogsJaclyn CaveComment
Why did I become a Naturopath?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions I receive (alongside what do I think of XYZ diet, of which my answer will most likely be it depends on the individual, how boring I know 😅)

I was drawn to Naturopathy due to its integrated approach and understanding that humans are whole, intelligent beings, and not just a cluster of separate symptoms to be addressed.

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