The October Line-Up


My goodness these months are flying by, I feel like I am writing a monthly line-up every second week! (which is impossible, I realise). This is what I’ve been doing and reading and enjoying thus far this month.

This book. I have been ranting about it a bit over on my instagram, but it’s truly game changing. For myself, those around me, and my clients.

New contender for Sydney’s best soft scrambled eggs.

Looking forward to hosting this event with Brooke Schiller! There are only a couple of tickets left if you’d like to attend.

This month I have committed to 10 minutes of meditation daily. I’ve lost my practice and am determined to get it back on track. It’s the best antidote to stress I’ve ever found. I use Insight Timer.

Pate from Rough & Bare. Absolutely delicious, wildly nutrient-dense (organ meats are where it’s at), and fantastic if you’re prone to low iron. Broth Bar & Larder also do fantastic one.

Cannot wait for this ring to arrive in the post, made by one of my nearest and dearest.

When I’m feeling like a second coffee, I have a strong, black cup of this. I order mine from iHerb.

I have had my swimmers at the front door for weeks waiting to hit one of my favourite places.

This breakfast is on high rotation (& is an unusual one) for me! I like to add coconut yoghurt, nut butter, & hemp protein to make it more nutritionally balanced (aka not just a carb party for one).

Looking forward to catching up with my very talented friend for a sweeeeet natural wine at this bar soon!

I have been lunch & dinner prepping like a boss this month. I made a guide that I hope is helpful to others when getting on the packing bandwagon. Check it out here.

Let me know one thing you’ve been enjoying this month so I too can try new things! I love being inspired by your recommendations.


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