Your Favourites From 2019

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I want to take a moment to thank you, dear reader, for all of your wonderful support, feedback, and interaction this year. Whether you worked with me one-on-one, made one of my recipes, came to a Brunch & Learn, read a blog and learnt something, or simply liked a photo over on my instagram - I see and appreciate every single moment of interaction I have with you guys, my community. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to do the work that do, that I am so wildly passionate about. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I look forward to bringing you more of the content you like in 2020, and supporting your health journey in any way that I can. I hope you have some time to relax and rejuvenate in the coming holidays, and get to spend some quality time with your loved ones.

Now my gushing is over, here is a list of your most-loved posts of mine from the year!

Favourite Blogs:

  1. My Top Tips for Healthy Energy Levels

  2. What Does a Naturopath Do?

  3. A Guide to Lunch Prep

  4. Stress; The Good, The Bad, The Solutions

  5. What I Really Think About Eating Paleo

Favourite Recipes:

  1. Roasted Carrot & Pumpkin Paleo Hummus

  2. Simple Homemade Sauerkraut

  3. A Nutrient-Dense Green Smoothie

  4. Fatty Mushroom Hot Chocolate

  5. Raw Chocolate Coconut Truffles

Top Instagram Posts:

  1. A Guide to Lunch Prep (I cheated & turned this into a blog, as above)

  2. Announcing my Cammeray Clinic

  3. Carrot Chip Recipe

  4. My Spotted Begonia (which has since died, devastated)

  5. Sydney’s Best Avo Toast

And because I have no shame, here is my least viewed post should you wish to indulge 😂 (which I stand by and recommend making as they are deeeeelicious).

Have a question or feedback for me? I’ll take both the good and the ‘constructive’ 😬 Let me know below what you’d like to see more of from me in 2020!

All, BlogsJaclyn CaveComment