Posts tagged Naturopathy
Why did I become a Naturopath?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions I receive (alongside what do I think of XYZ diet, of which my answer will most likely be it depends on the individual, how boring I know 😅)

I was drawn to Naturopathy due to its integrated approach and understanding that humans are whole, intelligent beings, and not just a cluster of separate symptoms to be addressed.

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What Does A Naturopath Do?

I get asked this question more often than I get asked if I eat gluten (I do, fermented please), so I thought it was time to tackle it thoroughly and coherently!

What does a Naturopath do?

  1. Looks at you holistically

  2. Explains why what is happening to you is happening

  3. Problem solves to find a solution that works for you

  4. Treats the cause, as well as the symptoms

  5. Educates & empowers you to make sustainable change

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