What Does A Naturopath Do?

I get asked this question more often than I get asked if I eat gluten (I do, fermented please), so I thought it was time to tackle it thoroughly and coherently!

What does a Naturopath do?

  1. Looks at you holistically

  2. Explains why what is happening to you is happening

  3. Problem solves to find a solution that works for you

  4. Treats the cause, as well as the symptoms

  5. Educates & empowers you to make sustainable change

  6. Uses good old fashioned ‘superpowers’ such as nutrition, herbal medicine, supplementation, dietary & lifestyle changes

  7. Listens & supports you through your journey


What happens during a consultation?

I can only speak for my experience, so I will run you through what an initial consultation with me might look like.

First thing is first - I ask you to tell me why you have come to see me. What are your complaints, your symptoms, your goals. I listen to your story. I will ask questions (many!) delving further into your health history. I may need to clarify some points, ask you to extrapolate further. I may need to know about your social, mental, family, and physical history.

We’ll chat about what (and how) you eat, about your nervous system, energy, sleep, digestion, bowel motions (my personal favourite, you can tell oh-so much), your stressors & anxieties, what drives you, what makes you feel like you, your medication and supplement use, how you move & exercise, what your daily routine looks like, your lifestyle, job, family life… I could go on forever here & really the questions I ask depend 100% on you as an individual. There is no list of specific questions I follow, I am guided by you & what you bring into the consultation room.

I should then have a good understanding on what is going on, which I will explain to you as best as I can, & clarify any questions or concerns you might have. From here, we create a game-plan for your health. I say we because there is no point in me writing up an exquisite (if I do say so myself!) & comprehensive protocol if the changes are unsuitable or unsustainable, or do not resonate with you. It is a little old fashioned but I do keep SMART goals in mind when I am working with you. Your path to better health must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, & Timely. Otherwise, what is the point?


What else do I need to know?

  • I use science and evidence-based treatment protocols, however I also draw upon my education, experience, intuition, and results from my time in clinic to inform my decisions on what may best work for you.

  • If I do not think I am the right practitioner for you, or if I think you’d benefit from seeing someone else (another professional, a different Naturopath, additional support) I will be honest with you & let you know. End of story.

  • If you have had recent blood (or other) testing done, please bring copies with you. Even if you have been told that they are ‘fine’. I may or may not need to you consider further testing – it will depend on what is going on for you as an individual. I do not order blanket, expensive, or unnecessary testing.

  • I absolutely love working with other health care practitioners so please do not think that you cannot see both a Naturopath and a GP – as this is where the gold lies. Health professionals collaborating speaks to a preventative medicine model instead of sick care model, something I am optimistic will happen in the not too distant future!

What should I look for in a Naturopath?

-          A Naturopath who is qualified (I cannot emphasise this enough - check their qualifications if you are unsure) AND a member of an association

-          A person whose views align with yours, & whom you resonate with. You should be able to tell this from having a chat with them, or via their website and social media platforms

-          That’s pretty much it! Those are my two non-negotiables - everything else is based on your individual needs, feelings, opinions and views

Do you have any questions about how Naturopaths work? Would you like more information on what a consultation with me might be like? Please leave your questions below!

Jaclyn is a qualified Naturopath with a focus on hormonal complaints, cycle health, reproductive and fertility care, skin issues, and adrenal health.

Jaclyn Cave
BHSc (Nat), BComm (Soc)
Masters Womens Health Med (UNSW - completing)

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