Sweet Potato, Hazelnut & Rosemary Shapes


For a picnic with my friends last year I made these sweet potato, hazelnut & rosemary (crap-free) shapes! I forgot about them until recently, made them again, et viola, here is the recipe.

They’re extremely flavoursome, & *shouldn’t break when you scoop them into your dips (unless you’re overly heavy handed/greedy on your dip-cracker ratio, which I can be guilty of from time to time). They are also vegan friendly, gluten & grain free, dairy free, sugar free, and egg free. They do contain nuts, however you could try replacing the hazelnuts with sunflower seeds. If you try this let me know how you go!

- 2 cups of raw hazelnuts
- 1 cup of *sweet potato purée
- 1 cup of tapioca starch
- 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1 teaspoon fine salt
- 1 teaspoon of asafoetida or garlic powder
- 1 tablespoon of fresh rosemary, finely chopped (or 1/2 tablespoon of dried)

1. Pre-heat your oven to 150 degrees.

2. Blitz the hazelnuts in your blender or food processor. Be careful not to over-process or you’ll end up with hazelnut butter/nutella (not the worst outcome, but not ideal for making these crackers)

3. Add the hazelnut meal & the rest of the ingredients into a large bowl, mixing well to form a thick dough.

4. Spread your dough onto a sheet or parchment paper or a silicon. Place another sheet over the top & roll with a rolling pin (I used a glass water bottle) to form a thin layer of dough.

5. Cook for 10 minutes in your oven. Remove & score into bite-sized pieces. Return to the oven for another 20 minutes, flip your crackers, & bake for 15 minutes, or until appropriately crispy.

*To make sweet potato purée, steam or bake cubed sweet potato until soft. Keeping the skin on, process in a food processor or blender until smooth.