My Trimester 2 Pregnancy Supplementation Protocol

What I’m taking at the moment and why, 20 weeks into my first pregnancy.

I have taken nutrients and herbs for a long time now, so adjusting to a pregnancy protocol hasn’t been a very big shift for me. For people who haven’t taken supplements before or don’t take them regularly, I understand it can be quite a change!

It is key to know the WHY behind why you are taking each and every one of your supplements.

I strongly believe this helps you add them into your routine more easily, and to take them regularly, because you know what they are doing for your body.

Preconception, pregnancy, and post-natal periods are THE times to prioritise taking your supplements. I encourage everyone to have their individual needs analysed during these times, and be prescribed the correct supplementation by your chosen health professional.

My current line up looks like:


Naturobest Trimester 2, 3 & Breastfeeding Prenatal. This contains optimal doses of activated folate, iodine, B-vitamins, zinc, iron and other key nutrients and minerals for foetal health development, and to maintain the high nutrient demands during this time.

Orthoplex Clinical Lipids 2:1 fish oil. The benefits of EPA/DHA supplementation include decreasing the chance of preterm birth, pre-eclampsia, and to reduce the risk of post-partum depression. I wrote a blog all about this topic you can read here.

Metagenics Metacholine. Choline is essential for foetal brain development and gene expression. As well as eating 2 eggs daily, I take extra choline as needed.

Metagenics Ultra Flora Mother & Baby. This probiotic contains the 4 researched strains to pass on a diverse microbiome to your baby, to support their immune health, and reduce the incidence of allergies.

RN Labs Cal:Mag. Calcium and magnesium support foetal skeletal growth and reduce the risk of maternal bone density depletion. Calcium is associated with a reduced risk of pre-eclampsia.

GelPro Peptipro Collagen. I pop this in a smoothie or stir it through yoghurt to help fulfil the additional protein requirements during pregnancy, and to provide amino acids for rapid tissue growth. The amino acid glycine in collagen is supportive for nervous system and sleep.

All of these supplements and their doses ebb and flow pending on my stage of pregnancy, dietary intake of these nutrients, and any additional pregnancy symptoms that may need focusing on.

Feel free to ask me any Q’s about this routine in the comments below!

If you would like individualised guidance on fertility or during preconception, pregnancy or the post-natal period, you can book in a base chat or initial session with me here.

Jaclyn is a qualified Naturopath with a focus on hormonal complaints, cycle health, reproductive and fertility care, skin issues, and adrenal health.

Jaclyn Cave
BHSc (Nat), BComm (Soc)
Masters Womens Health Med (UNSW - completing)

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