The Therapeutic Benefits of Mint


I am a colossal Mentha x piperita fan.

It is fantastic herb for digestive complaints such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), bloating & indigestion. Peppermint tea is a beautiful addition if you suffer from nausea (hello my first trimester Mamas!). Add some fresh ginger slices & you are set! Studies have shown that peppermint tea and peppermint oil is a very effective treatment for IBS. Please note that it does not ‘cure’ IBS, but can help to manage the symptoms. If you are looking for the underlying cause of your IBS symptoms, I recommend working with a health care practitioner.

I also like to prescribe spearmint tea for its anti-androgenic effects. Elevated male hormones in women may show up as symptoms such as jawline acne, hirsutism (male-patterned hair growth in women), irregular cycles, &/or elevated testosterone on blood tests. It’s a brilliant PCOS herb for that reason. Recent studies have shown that 4 cups a day reduce serum testosterone in females after 30 days! Herbs are just incredible.

She Glows tea is a divine blend of hibiscus, cinnamon, & spearmint for PCOS ladies. I personally drink it on repeat, it’s gorgeous hot or cold, the flavour is so unique. Sweet due to the cinnamon bark & veeeery satisfying.

How do you use mint?